Not Goodbye
Today we say goodbye to many of our B session campers. We have 58 kids who are staying over for C session, but the rest went home today. Nothing speaks to the power of Deerhorn more than the last day of camp. Boys of all ages realize that day that showing emotion is ok, that […]

Teamwork and Brotherhood
The second to last day of the session is always busy. After breakfast, (breakfast tacos) we start with three regular activity periods, the final three of the session. Kids work hard to earn those last few stars. After lunch (brats and onion rings), we do a walk through of ALL the lost and found from […]

And They’re Off!
Our Pioneers left this morning, bright and early at 7:30am, and they all were raring to go! It was about a 4 1/2 hour drive to their destination, the North Country Trail. They are hiking a section that follows Lake Superior the entire way, and from the research Patrick has done and the photos we’ve […]

Olympic Fun!
What a day at Deerhorn!! This weather has been incredible, and we are so grateful for the continued stretch of sunshine! We slept in an extra hour today and had breakfast casserole at 9. Kids enjoyed having some free time this morning to hang out with their friends, though some chose to play ultimate frisbee […]

Koogee Time!
You ask many kids what their favorite part of camp is, and they will tell you “hanging out in the koogee with my friends.” Giggling in the dark after lights out, playing card games at rest hour, friendships formed. Whether serious or silly, it’s fun to see kids’ personalities come out in the photos. We […]

This is one of the best parts of Camp Deerhorn. We love having visitors at camp who were campers themselves, but this weekend we were treated to an extra special visit. The leaders of 1993 are all back this weekend to celebrate their 25th anniversary of their leader year. I am a little biased, because […]

Hockey Time!
All week I’ve been telling you about how busy life is at camp…from the 4th of July to the Zombie Apocalypse, to preparations for Voyager and Pioneer…and I’ve neglected hockey! Our hockey camp started on Monday and we have about 30 kids playing. They skate each morning from 9-11 and then are in regular activities […]

Happy Fourth of July!
The dining room is decked out in red, white, and blue, campers are sporting some great patriotic gear, and everybody got a flag bandana at breakfast this morning! We sang the National Anthem and also Bappy Hirthday to America! It’s been a great 4th of July here at camp already! Breakfast this morning was a […]

Life is busy around camp when July hits! Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, and preparations are underway for relays and fireworks. Our Pioneer and Voyager Leadership Programs have been busy having meetings and preparing for their trips. Pioneers leave on Monday, so it’s full speed ahead for them. This morning they did an orienteering […]

Chippewa Chariots Champion
What a great “Sunday” it has been here at camp. We were all excited for that extra hour of sleep this morning, and enjoyed our breakfast of cheesy eggs and sausage. After breakfast, campers had some rare free time around camp. Lots of kids played street hockey on the Skeeter or Ultimate Frisbee on the […]