Pugawaggan 2017
It was an incredibly beautiful day for our first Sunday event of C session. We all love sleeping in an hour on Sundays, and kids love the extra free time in the morning after breakfast that is a rarity at camp. Breakfast was blueberry pancakes, and then the leaders had team meetings and kids played […]
All Good Here!
The second full day of C session brought sunshine and breezes off the lake, as campers head to their second set of activities to learn the ropes and have some fun. Breakfast this morning was the Saturday morning tradition of cinnamon toast, lunch was chicken patties, and dinner was tacos. The 56 kids who stayed […]
Life is Good!
The second full day of C session brought sunshine and breezes off the lake, as campers head to their second set of activities to learn the ropes and have some fun. Breakfast this morning was the Saturday morning tradition of cinnamon toast, lunch was chicken patties, and dinner was tacos. The 56 kids who stayed […]
The C Session Draft
We woke to beautiful sunshine for our first full day of C session. After muffins for breakfast, kids went back to their koogees to get them clean. When the bell rang, we met in the lodge to find out which activity groups they were in, and then the day could begin! Kids had three activity […]
C Session Has Begun!
The buses arrived at 3:00 this afternoon and C session is in full swing! We’ve had a busy day here at camp before their arrival, with some kids arriving by car and everyone doing activities like kickball, ultimate frisbee, basketball, and sprout ball. Breakfast this morning was french toast, lunch was shepherd’s pie, and dinner […]
A Great Send Off!
We awoke to rain this morning, so that delayed our baggage pick up until after breakfast. However, we still managed to get the buses off on time at 11am. This morning’s awards breakfast was another great one! We passed out lots of awards including patches earned for stars, and most improved patches in each activity. […]
Time Flies…
…when you’re having fun. And it’s hard to believe that B session is already over. Two weeks flew by in a blink. We enjoyed more sun, more warmth, and more blue skies today. Kids had their last three periods of activities this morning, working on earning those last few stars for their teams. Breakfast was […]
Friends and Family
The sun was out again today as campers enjoyed their last full day of activities. Tomorrow morning they will have regular activities, but the afternoon will be a little bit different. Sports and Games played a game called Klepton, which is kind of like a twist on Capture the Flag. They save it for the […]
The Show Must Go On
While the weather did not exactly cooperate today, the rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of our “Olympians.” This afternoon was the Olympics, and kids competed for their teams in everything from tennis to soccer to track and field. The morning was fine weather, and after chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, kids had some […]
A Kind Word
One of the lines of the Deerhorn Creed says “To win modestly, lose gracefully, and have a kind word for the opposing side.” You would be amazed to see this in action around camp on a daily basis…but nowhere is it more amazing to watch than on the Scalp field. Scalp is everyone’s favorite game […]