“Best Day Ever!”
The Lake Superior trip got back today around 5. All reports were that the trip was awesome and they had so much fun. They loved the berry picking today, and loved feeding animals at the zoo yesterday. I’m sure they will all have lots of stories to tell when they get home…or tomorrow night at […]

Great Lakes, Gorp, & Giraffes
Today might be the busiest day of the entire summer at Deerhorn… SO much going on it’s hard to know where to start. The Lake Superior overnight trip left this morning with 34 kids. Their first stop today was the Wildwood Animal Park in Minocqua. Kids love that place, with deer wandering around that you […]

Team Spirit
The leaders drafted their teams last night, so kids got to find out this morning which team they were on. There’s always lots of excitement around camp when teams are announced. Breakfast this morning was eggs and toast, lunch was chicken patties (crowd favorite), and dinner is pork roast. Sports & Games played ultimate frisbee […]

The sun is shining again today as kids head off into their first activities of this session. It was pancakes for breakfast, turkey burgers for lunch, and we’re having tacos for dinner. Sports and Games is playing World Cup Soccer on the soccer field. After breakfast, kids cleaned up their koogees and then met to […]

A Glorious Beginning
Today was one of those days at camp when you look out at the sparkling lake, the sun shining in the blue sky, and the breeze blowing and you think, “I am so lucky to be here.” We couldn’t have asked for better weather to start C session. When we woke up this morning, it […]

B Session…filled with so much awesomeness you can hardly stand it. What a great group of kids we were privileged to spend two weeks with. We hope you had as much fun as we did! Many awards were passed out this morning at our awards breakfast. Alex Polovin won the junior tennis tournament and Ben […]

The last day of B session is here. It’s been a busy one, as last days always are. This morning was the last three periods of regular activities, so kids worked hard to get those last stars. Sports & Games had a “grab bag” of activities, where kids could choose what activity they wanted each […]

All Good!
Lots of smiling faces around camp last night as campers got to play their favorite game, Scalp! Four teams, two flags each person, one flag gets pulled and you’re out! It’s a simple game, but it’s full of strategy, teamwork, and fierce team pride. Kids LOVE it! Today was a beautiful sunny, […]

These Boys
Sometimes, when I sit down to blog at the end of a long day, I think, “What can I say? How do I put into words the amazing things that happen around this place?” I could tell you that we had blueberry scones for breakfast, ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, and meatloaf for dinner. […]

Boys Just Wanna Have Fun
The weather forecast called for storms across the midwest today, but somehow we got lucky and skirted them all day. The sun shone and all activities happened on schedule. Around 5, the rain cut loose and soaked camp, but we’re hoping it will blow over soon. In the meantime, campers had a great day in […]