D Session Koogee Fun
Koogee pictures are some of our favorites to take. Kids love hanging out with their friends in their koogee and it’s fun to get to see personalities come out in photos. Whether serious or silly, the koogee pics are always a highlight. You can also notice the koogees that shop together in the store! 😉 […]

Deerhorn Conquest
We love Sundays at Deerhorn! We all love the break from the normal schedule, but we especially love getting to sleep in an extra hour! Breakfast this morning was quesadillas, stuffed with eggs, sausage, cheese, and hash browns. So good! After breakfast, kids enjoyed some rare free time around camp. There were games of ultimate […]

All Smiles
Day 3 of D session is in the books and it was another great one! The day dawned sunny and beautiful, with a lot less heat and mugginess than we’ve had the rest of this past week. When kids arrive at Deerhorn, they are put into activity groups with kids their own age. They have […]

The D Session Team Draft
5:45am. That’s what time the first D session campers decided to start the day today, and by 6:30, camp was full of kids on the baseball field, soccer field, playing tether ball, and tennis. Because when you’ve waited all summer to come to Camp Deerhorn, there is NO TIME TO WASTE. We had some strong […]

D Session Excitement
It’s finally here! The session that these kids have waited all summer for. The session that filled in 8 minutes and still has a waitlist 40 deep. The session that so many kids choose because it’s the only one that works with their baseball and lacrosse schedules. The session that is louder and more energetic […]

C Session Goodbyes
Three weeks has flown by, and suddenly the buses are pulling out of the parking lot, signaling the end of C session. We concluded our 3 week session this morning with our traditional awards breakfast. We pass out patches for Most Improved in each activity, as well as patches earned for stars. We had lots […]

It’s Been 3 Weeks Already?
Three weeks always seems like such a long time. It’s our longest session of the summer and when it’s over it’s hard to know where time went! We packed a lot into this session…our C10 kids were here for the first half…our E kids left Sunday after their first week at Deerhorn…The Voyagers spent 8 […]

The 2023 Monkey Relays
As I mentioned yesterday, we switched Sunday afternoon with Monday afternoon. So today was Monday morning regular activities. But after lunch, it was time for the Grandaddy of them all…The Monkey Relays, which have been happening at Deerhorn since 1930! The energy at camp was electric, with monkey calls echoing through the lodge at lunch […]

The Boys are Back in Town
This morning after breakfast, we said goodbye to our 18 Spike Buck campers. From what we heard, they all had a blast and can’t believe the week is already over. We hope they all will join us again next summer, this time for longer! Our schedule today and tomorrow is a little mixed up. We […]

Wonder & Magic
Every morning, like clockwork, they are there, waiting for me at the drink machine at 7:15. Mostly Spike Bucks, but a few others as well. When I fill the grab bag column, they try to guess what flavor is going to be first to come out if they put in a token right after I […]