This is Katniss…the newest addition to the Deerhorn Dog pack. We adopted her from a shelter in Tennessee in April, so 2015 was her first summer at camp. As soon as she came home, it was very apparent that, whatever her beginning had been like, she had not been exposed to humans. I want to […]

“All Boys Should Go to Deerhorn”
Today’s blog post is another essay written by a Deerhorn camper, Will Matthei-Schmidt. Truly, we love reading these and hearing a camper’s first person perspective about what life at Deerhorn is like. I love Will’s essay, because it shows such growth. Will came to Deerhorn for the first time this summer, as a 10 year […]

Today was another beautiful day of sunshine and blue skies. We had an awesome day of meals, with coffee cake for breakfast, Italian subs for lunch, and chicken and biscuits for dinner. Sports and Games played a game on DK Field called “Gasebolf,” which involves hitting a tennis ball with a golf club at home […]

The Deerhorn Way
The leaders did their draft last night and so at the end of morning activities, kids got to find out what teams they were on. There is always lots of excitement surrounding that event, but never as much as during D session. There were already lots of team cheers and chanting even just while they […]

Time for Goodbyes
We ended our C session this morning with our awards breakfast. Many awards were passed out, including Most Improved Patches and those patches earned for stars. We had lots of tournaments running this session, most organized by campers like Cooper Pierce (chess), Ben Fellows & Nick Chu (pickle ball), and Inigo Banos (ping pong). Thanks to […]

Smiles & Silliness
The past few days have been pretty exciting around camp as the Zombie Apocalypse has been happening with our 15 and 16 year olds. They all started the game a few days ago with blank white t-shirts. One of them started as patient zero and tried to get everyone else with their red-painted hands. Every […]

Perhaps one of the greatest gifts a summer at Deerhorn can offer is friendship. Some boys come to camp with several of their good buddies from home and they all want to be in the same koogee. Others come to camp knowing not a soul. But either way, campers quickly realize how easy it is to […]

Boys Just Wanna Have Fun
We enjoyed another amazing day of sunshine and breezes off the lake. Breakfast was cinnamon rolls, lunch was meatball subs, and dinner was steak fajitas. There are lots of tournaments happening around camp, including tennis, ping pong, chess, and pickle ball. Games are played during rest hour, g-swim, and during tennis class. Kids love participating […]

“Best Day Ever!”
The Lake Superior trip got back today around 5. All reports were that the trip was awesome and they had so much fun. They loved the berry picking today, and loved feeding animals at the zoo yesterday. I’m sure they will all have lots of stories to tell when they get home…or tomorrow night at […]

The sun is shining again today as kids head off into their first activities of this session. It was pancakes for breakfast, turkey burgers for lunch, and we’re having tacos for dinner. Sports and Games is playing World Cup Soccer on the soccer field. After breakfast, kids cleaned up their koogees and then met to […]