2024 D Session Teams

We woke to cool temps but sunshine, and had french toast and bacon for breakfast. Even though the day started cool, it warmed to a beautiful sunny 75 degrees, the quintessential Northwoods summer day. We are glad to have let go of the heat and humidity of last week. After breakfast, kids found out what activity group they were in, and then jumped right into three periods of activities! Third period ended early so that we could announce teams and pass out team shirts. That’s always an exciting day at Deerhorn!


Lunch was pulled pork and tater tots, and after a rest hour meeting to go over some camp rules, it was three more periods of activities. Kids have one activity schedule of six activities every other day, and then the other six activities on the other days. The only activity they have every day is Sports and Games, so that we combine two activity groups to be able to play sports and fun made-up games. Sports and Games (SPAG) plays something different every day, and today it was World Cup Soccer.


As per usual on the first day of a session, there was a long line out the door of the Deerhorn Store during general swim, so many that we didn’t even make it through all of them before dinner! Lots of Deerhorn swag bought today! After baked chicken and rice for dinner, with mini cheesecakes for dessert, there were lots of cheers with the announcement that we were playing Braveheart after dinner! It’s everyone’s favorite camp game. It was a great first full day of D session!



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