E Session Koogee Fun

Breakfast this morning was french toast, lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup (you know that was a crowd favorite!), and dinner was pork roast and roasted potatoes.  Sports and Games played Gasebolf this afternoon, which is just one of the many crazy Deerhorn games. Is it baseball? Is it golf? No, it’s Gasebolf! It involves teeing off a tennis ball on home plate with a golf club and then running the bases backwards. It was a beautiful warm sunny day until this afternoon when some thunderstorms came through and drove most activities inside for a couple of hours. Some activities continue, like riflery and arts and crafts, while others play games in the lodge or Deerhorn Hall. The rain didn’t stop another long line of kids at the Deerhorn Store this afternoon during general swim. Yesterday we didn’t even get through everyone before first call went for dinner, and today we had a nonstop line until first call went again! Lots of Deerhorn swag purchased in the last couple of days! We got koogee pictures at rest hour before the rain came through. Those are always so fun. Kids love hanging out with their koogeemates during rest hour and in the evening. For a lot of kids, the koogee experience is their favorite part of Deerhorn. Lots of friendships made and strengthened in the koogee!





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