A New Day

Good news! Through the miracle of recovery software, I was able to get back most of the photos from yesterday. They are on the SmugMug site along with a bunch from today! Today dawned sunny but cooler than yesterday, which we were kind of grateful for. It was pretty muggy yesterday. Breakfast this morning was french toast and sausage, lunch was orange chicken and rice, and dinner was pork chops, mashed potatoes, and green beans, with peach cobbler for dessert.


Sports and Games played ultimate frisbee on the soccer field, and kids were super excited to find out what team they were on today. We ended morning activities early so that we could announce teams and pass out team shirts. The team announcement means that tonight after dinner it was time for the first game of B session Braveheart. It’s everyone’s favorite camp game and involves trying to pull the flags of players on other teams before your own gets pulled. Last team in wins. Younger kids played on the baseball field, and older kids played on the soccer field. The sun shone all day and everyone is settling in to the new session!



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