All the Good Things

Today ended our A session, our first camper session of the summer. We’re not quite sure where the time went. We finished up the session with our awards breakfast and had lots of awards to pass out. We passed out patches for stars earned in activities, and Most Improved patches in each activity. The tennis tournament winners were Cooper Nordby for 11 and under, and Devlin Shultz for 12 and up. Deerhorn Spirit Award winners were Charlie Watts for juniors, Jasper Frank for intermediates, and Charlie Sullivan for seniors. Outstanding Camper trophies went to Michael Cooper for juniors, Sebastian Srinivasan for intermediates, and Fede Garcia for seniors. Videos from the speeches given about the award winners are posted on our Facebook page. The Eagles took first place for the A session, but the totals are close and the summer is still young! Full team comp totals can be found on our website.



We have 27 kids staying over for B session and they were so excited for this afternoon’s trip! They headed first to the Weston Aquatic Center to swim for a few hours this afternoon, and then are headed to cheer on the Wausau Woodchucks at a baseball game tonight! It’s shaping up to be an epic changeover!


This session may not have had the best weather, but it was full of all the good things…friendship, laughter, joy. Case in point is the photo at the top of the page. Michael Cooper had just been awarded Outstanding Junior Camper, and as soon as he got his plaque, his friends hugged him and patted him on the back, clustering together to see it. That is the Deerhorn Creed in real life. “To be a booster rather than a knocker.” It was full of first year campers like Jasper Frank, who got injured on the last day of camp, but needed to come back for the awards breakfast this morning and was surprised to find himself the winner of the Intermediate Spirit Award. It’s pretty amazing to watch kids like Jasper just “get it” their first year at Deerhorn. They are fully invested, they love camp, and you would think they had been here for years.


It was full of staff members like George Landsberg, who graduated from college and spent his few weeks of free time at Deerhorn before heading off to a new job in New York. And while the dining room erupted in chants of George’s name this morning at breakfast, George is just one of our many incredible staff members this summer. From our counselors, to our AC’s, to our incredible support staff who are working so hard to help make camp the best it can be. This staff is one for the record books.


For some reason, campers the last few years have wanted to come at the end of the summer instead of at the beginning. Some of it is sports like baseball and lacrosse, but we’re not sure what the rest is. The kids who come to A and B session would easily tell you that their session is the best. We hope they go home and spread the word about how great A session was and bring their friends back next year. Because even though this session wasn’t full, it was full to the brim with all the good things.


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