Being Boys

Breakfast this morning was cinnamon rolls and bacon, lunch was hot dogs and baked beans, and dinner was a nacho bar. Sports and Games played a new game introduced to camp by Dick Kinney called Go For It. You’ll have to ask your camper when he gets home how to play all these awesome Deerhorn games!




It was another gorgeously warm day all day today until dinner time. Just as we were about to release everyone from dinner, a super soaker rainstorm came through, with an absolute downpour. We encouraged kids to wait in the lodge for just a few minutes, but most of them decided to just make a run for it to their koogee. They all just took off sprinting through the downpour to their koogees. I should have gotten video because once again, it’s the perfect example of the carefree nature of time spent at camp…just boys being boys, not caring how wet they got! Like yesterday, when it rained in the afternoon and horseback riding couldn’t go on rides. Instead, they had a blast mud wrestling in one of the mud holes near the stables. They then all walked from the stables to the waterfront and ran into the water to clean off. I love the post-mud wrestling pictures. They perfectly encapsulate The Boyhood Adventure.  Tonight’s rainstorm was brief and kids were able to play Capture the Flag after the rain stopped. It was another epic day at Deerhorn, full of boys just being boys!



4 thoughts on “Being Boys

    Dear Amy,

    Thank you for keeping us informed on what the boys activities are. I absolutely love that they took full advantage of the mud. It’s nice to see that childhood is still alive even though they are constantly in a world of electronics.
    Also, I think the boys are eating like kings.
    A million thanks
    Katie Then

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