Brothers and Puppies

Breakfast this morning was eggs and hash browns. Lunch was delicious pizza and caesar salad, and dinner was pork roast, sweet potatoes, and cherry cobbler for dessert. Sports and Games played Balco Ball on DK Field, which involves a duct taped wiffle ball, bat, and the outfield of DK Field. Always a fun time! We got brother pics today, which are some of my favorite. We make the announcement to stay after a meal to get a picture taken with your brother, and it’s fun to see who comes. It’s not just brothers or cousins who show up, but friends who want to have their pictures taken with their Deerhorn Brothers! It was a beautiful day and the sun shone until around 5 when it rained for a few hours, prompting a koogee skit night in the lodge after dinner. Oh, and we’d also like to introduce you to Georgia, Skatie’s new little sister and the newest member of the Deerhorn Dog Pack! Don and Susan just picked her up today and she got to meet a few kids at the Skeeter when she arrived home. She will be introduced to camp in small doses, so as not to overwhelm her…but needless to say, we are smitten!







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