C Session is HERE!

Opening day of C session dawned bright and sunny.  Breakfast was cinnamon rolls and sausage. Kids who stayed over and kids who arrived by car were put into temporary activity groups for the day and did activities such as kickball, sproutball, and beach volleyball throughout the day. After quesadillas for lunch, the kids who arrived by car took their swim tests at 1:00 and then headed off to afternoon activities. We had 29 kids who stayed over with us from last session, 14 Pioneers who are out on their trip until Monday, and 20 kids arriving by car today. Which means we had three busses full of 97 kids who arrived at camp at 3:00! Check out our Facebook and Instagram for footage from bus arrival. They literally hit the ground running and ran to the koogee list to find out what koogee they were in. Then it was off to koogee row to move in and meet their koogeemates. Kids  went down to the beach to take their swim tests, and then we gathered in the lodge to introduce the staff. After that, it was time for a few more activities by age group until dinner. After dinner, kids participated with their koogees in the Deerhorn Combine, including events like the long jump, basketball shoot, discus toss, and sprint race. The Leaders walked around meeting kids so they could do the draft tonight and pick teams. We ended the first day of C the same way we end every night, with milkline in the lodge with their koogee. Kids get a cookie and milk and settle down to head to bed. Photos from C session can be found on our SmugMug site. It was a great start to C session and these kids have brought all the energy!






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