Deerhorn 2024 A Session

It’s finally here! The day lots of kids have been waiting for, when we kick off our regular camper sessions with A. We love Father Son camp, but camper sessions are the best! We were so excited to see the sun this morning and have good weather to start our first camper session. There were 25 kids who stayed over from Father Son 2, and they had a great time yesterday at the Waters of Minocqua and then watching a movie in the basement of the hall when they got back. This morning, they were put into temporary activity groups and did activities throughout the day like tennis, crafts, volleyball, and Sproutball.


Breakfast this morning was doughnuts and pastries, so you know that was a crowd favorite! Lunch was delicious burgers and waffle fries. We had some kids arrive by car throughout the day and they joined the kids who were already here in activities. After lunch, all the kids who were already here took their swim test at the beach. And then the rest of the fun arrived from Chicago when the busses pulled in around 2:45! Kids ran off the bus to check the koogee list and see where they had been assigned. They settled into their koogees and then took their swim tests as well.


After swim tests, we had a meeting in the lodge to introduce the staff and then kids did some more activities like handball and soccer. After dinner tonight is the Deerhorn Combine, where kids will go around with their koogee doing different events around camp while the Leaders scout for teams. Tonight at 8:15 will be milkline, where they go in the lodge with their koogee and get a cookie and milk to settle down for the evening. Leaders will pick teams later tonight so kids are excited to find out what team they’re on tomorrow! A reminder that all of the photos taken during the summer can be found on our SmugMug site. Hooray for A!




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