Eagles Win Pugawaggan

Today was day 7 of C session, which means it was a Special Day at Camp Deerhorn. It used to be what happened every Sunday, but with shorter sessions, we switched things up a bit so that once a session, we have a “Sunday” schedule on day 7. We were all excited that this meant we got to sleep in an extra hour and have breakfast at 9am! We had doughnuts and pastries for breakfast, so you know that was a crowd favorite! After breakfast, there were two hours of free time, which is rare at Deerhorn. Kids could choose optional activities like a movie in the basement of the hall, or ultimate frisbee, and kickball, among others.

At noon, Soren gave a great Words of Wisdom talk in the lodge about coming home to Deerhorn.  Lunch was grilled chicken sandwiches and potato wedges. After rest hour, it was time for the big team event! Today’s event was Pugawaggan, another amazing event made up by our counselors over the years. Each team chooses “war chiefs” to defend different activities that other teams have to challenge. As the event progresses, teams pick up more and more teammates until they end up at the campfire ring to light the bonfire.


Let me be clear that I do not explain these events well. Your camper will do a MUCH better job telling you all about them when they get home! The Eagles took first place, followed by the Bears, Wolves, and Bobcats. The event ran all the way from 3:00 until dinner at 6! Kids LOVED it. After enchilada bake for dinner, we had koogee time for an hour before our campfire at 8pm. It was another warm, gorgeous day at Deerhorn full of excitement and adventure!



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