The third day of Father Son 3 dawned just as beautiful as the two before it! We are SO grateful for the amazing weather we’ve had this week. Today is our guided fishing day, so dads and sons had a great time heading out with our guides for an hour throughout the day. Some even went twice because they had so much fun the first time! It was more of a “fishing” day than a “catching” day, but even though there were no muskies caught, some dads and sons landed some bass and sunfish instead. This morning for breakfast was bacon, eggs, and potatoes, and lunch was mac and cheese and grilled turkey and cheese subs. There’s a fathers vs sons softball game at 4:30, and after dinner we’ll play fathers vs sons vs staff Braveheart, which is everyone’s favorite night! We’ll end an outstanding day 3 with another Deerhorn campfire!