Inside Fun

Today’s weather wasn’t as great as we’ve enjoyed all week. It was a lot cooler today and it rained off and on all day. There were definitely hardy souls who still went out to the Rave for swim class and general swim, but a lot of activities moved indoors today. We built our rec hall, Deerhorn Hall, in 2018, and it has been such a gift to camp on rainy days. Upstairs there are ping pong tables, darts, air hockey, foosball, and tables for board games. Downstairs is our storm shelter, so it’s completely empty and is great for games of hockey or gaga ball in rainy weather. Breakfast this morning was french toast bake and bacon, lunch was beef and cheese burritos, and dinner was pot roast and potatoes, with chocolate cake for dessert. Tonight’s evening activities included sand castle building for the juniors and skit night for the seniors. The sun may not have come out all day, but a lot of fun was had!



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