Life is What Happens

Our B session started today and we could not have had better weather to kick it off! The sun shone all day and the temps were in the 80s, perfect for swim tests! Our 27 kids who stayed over from A session reports this morning that the changeover day at the Woodchucks game and pool might have been the best changeover ever. They got home late last night and then there were some loud storms that came through in the middle of the night, so they were tired this morning, but with big smiles on their faces for another fun day at Deerhorn! We had egg fritatta and hash browns for breakfast.


We had a few kids arrive by car today and they joined the changeover kids in activities throughout the day. After burgers and fries for lunch, all the kids who just arrived took their swim tests. The buses arrived around 2:30 and then the action really began! Kids moved into their koogees, took swim tests, and then we had a meeting in the lodge to introduce the staff. Kids then divided into age groups for a few activities before dinner. Dinner tonight was chicken alfredo which was a huge crowd favorite!


After dinner, it was time for the Deerhorn Combine! Since the Leaders are drafting teams today, koogees competed in various events around camp like long jump, discus throw, free throw shooting, etc, while the Leaders walked around preparing for the draft. Kids are super excited to find out their teams tomorrow.



Our photographer took a bunch of great photos today but something happened with the SD card and we can’t access the photos. I managed to get some of the Combine tonight, but that’s all the photos we have of today. We know it’s disappointing for all of those parents who scour the photos every night, searching for their son. I am truly sorry we don’t have more pictures from today, but I can promise there will be lots tomorrow. All photos from this session will be posted on our SmugMug site. It’s one of those things that happens that is out of our control, and reminds us that “life is what happens when you’re planning something else.”



There may not be many pictures from today, but here’s what I know for sure:

The buses arrived safely.

Camp is full of energetic kids who are psyched to finally be back at camp.

Fun is still being had, even if there aren’t many photos of it.

It is going to be an EXCELLENT session!

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