2024 A Session Teams

There were lots of kids up early this morning, excited to get the fun started! We had french toast for breakfast, then we had a short meeting after breakfast to find out what activity group they were in, and then it was off and running! Activities the first two days have to include safety and rules, but counselors try to get kids into the action as quickly as possible. Our morning activities ended early so that teams could be announced! That’s always an exciting day around here!


Lunch was tortellini and breadsticks and then kids stayed in the lodge for a rest hour meeting going over the most important camp rules. This afternoon was three more activity periods and Sports and Games played Sprout Ball on the soccer field. There were lots of excited kids waiting at the Deerhorn Store today at 5:00 to buy some Deerhorn swag, and lots of kids who headed down to the waterfront for general swim. We are hoping that the rain that is forecasted decides to move out so that we can play all camp Braveheart tonight after dinner, as is tradition. Kids try to pull the flags of other teams before they get out because their own flag got pulled. All in all, it was a really great first full day at Deerhorn!




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