2024 C Session Teams

Breakfast this morning was french toast and bacon. Kids found out what activity groups they were in after breakfast (so much cheering), and then they were off and running!  (Literally. These kids run everywhere.) Sports and Games played World Cup Soccer on the soccer field today. Third period in the morning ended a little early so we could announce teams and pass out team shirts. (even more cheering!) After chicken tenders and mac & cheese for lunch, kids who just arrived for C session had a short meeting to go over camp rules during rest hour. Three periods of activities in the afternoon and during g-swim there was a long line for shopping at the Deerhorn Store! We had brisket and mashed potatoes for dinner, with banana pudding for dessert. After dinner there was even MORE cheering when it was announced that they were playing Braveheart after dinner. It’s everyone’s favorite camp game and involves trying to pull every other teams’ flags before your own gets pulled and you’re out. There was rain the forecast today, but other than a few brief showers it was a beautiful sunny day for the first full day of C Session activities!




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