A Boy’s Life

Where else can you play ice hockey in the morning and get launched off the Rave in the sunshine in the afternoon?  It’s quite a life these boys have at Deerhorn, and quite the gift you, as parents, have given them.  You have given them the freedom to explore new interests, the safe place to make new friends, and the chance to really learn how to be independent.


Thank you for supporting our “no cell phone” policy,  thank you for understanding, though you may not agree.  Thank you for being our partner in trying to get kids to unplug and really experience life, rather than being constantly connected to a screen.   Having cell phones at camp prevents kids from truly learning independence, from really immersing themselves in what Deerhorn has to offer.   We know it isn’t easy to be apart from your son for two weeks (or more), but thank you for trusting us to help him grow while he is with us so that he can come back to you stronger and more self-confident.  Our days are busy, and cell phones only get in the way.  Thank you for making your son leave his at home.

This week is hockey camp, and we have about 20 kids who have been having a great time skating each morning with our great coaches.


Tonight is our staff hockey game after dinner.  We take the whole camp to the rink and they get to cheer on their favorite counselor, and of course, get a little spending money for the concession stand.

Breakfast this morning was pancakes, and lunch was pizza fries.  Back at camp, the sun has been shining all day, making for a busy afternoon on the waterfront.  There were lots of trips out to the Rave, and great launches into the air!


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