A Great First Father Son

Yesterday’s weather was a little wonky, with sunshine mixed in with sporadic rain and even some hail! Regardless of the weather, dads and sons had a great day of fishing with our professional guides. Whether they were hunting the elusive musky, or just fishing for the little ones, kids loved fishing out on the lake! Activities ran all day yesterday, and after dinner it was time for our game of dads vs kids vs staff in Braveheart. It’s a camp favorite! We ended the third day of Father Son camp with another great Deerhorn campfire. Today, after scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast, families could stay and do activities until 11, but many families left after breakfast. We think the dads had just as much fun as the kids did! We’d like to thank all of the dads and sons who joined us to kick off the summer of 2024!





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