We woke to dark skies and a rainy morning. Dads and sons spent the morning playing games in Deerhorn Hall, getting crafty in the craft shop, and playing games in the lodge. Luckily, the rain only lasted a couple of hours and by lunch, the rain had stopped and the sun was beginning to peek out. This afternoon has been gorgeous! We definitely needed the rain, but we’re grateful it wasn’t a whole day of storms like they were forecasting! The waterfront was busy once again this afternoon, and dads and sons had fun hitting in the batting cage, teeing off on the golf green, and getting tennis lessons on the court…among so many other things! Breakfast this morning was sausage and chocolate chip pancakes. Lunch was grilled chicken sandwiches, fries, and watermelon. After dinner, we’ll play some dads vs sons Capture the Flag, followed by another great Deerhorn campfire. Another fun Deerhorn day is in the books!