Here Comes the Sun!

We woke up to an absolute torrential downpour! After blueberry scones for breakfast,  counselors made announcements about where their activities would be meeting in the rain…like the office porch, the lodge, or the wolf den. Arts & crafts and riflery continued as usual. But the rain fell so hard that we decided to just have kids stay in that first activity period for the whole morning.


Rainy day activities included ping pong, board games, catch phrase, and rafter ball. Rain isn’t ideal, but kids welcome the change of pace and the chance to something a little different.


After grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch…what a perfect rainy day lunch!…the rain finally quit around 2, in perfect time for afternoon activities to resume as usual.  Even with the rain, the humidity stuck around all day, so when the sun finally came out this afternoon, it was hot and muggy…making the waterfront a great place to spend the afternoon.


After a full afternoon of activities, we had chicken stir fry and rice for dinner, and kids giggled at the fortunes in their fortune cookies for dessert. It was another evening of team competition, including handball, basketball, and indian ball.


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