Monkey Mayhem

It’s the biggest day of the summer, the Monkey Relays! Today was our Special Day for D Session, so we slept in an hour and had breakfast at 9. (french toast bake and sausage) After breakfast, campers enjoyed some rare free time. They had lots of activities to choose from, from a movie in the basement of the hall to ultimate frisbee on the soccer field. Ben Winebrenner gave a great Words of Wisdom in the lodge, and lunch at 1 was pulled pork and tater tots. After rest hour, it was finally time for the big event. The Monkey Relays have been happening at Deerhorn since 1930. The relay starts in the lodge blowing a ping pong ball across the lodge floor and goes all over camp with kids carrying a ping pong ball on a spoon from activity to activity. Every activity in camp is involved, but there are other funny ones, like standing on your head and singing Mary Had a Little Lamb or cooking and eating a pancake over a camp stove. The event culminates on the beach, with the Leaders building a sandcastle over the top of an arrow that’s buried in the sand. It was a close race, with all four Leaders building their sandcastles at the same time. The Wolves came out on top, followed closely by the Eagles, Bobcats, and Bears. There are a ton of great photos on our SmugMug site, and you can see the footage of the end of the race on our Instagram page. We had ribs and potatoes for dinner, with pound cake for dessert. Kids had koogee time after dinner, and we’ll end this amazing day at Deerhorn with another great Deerhorn campfire.








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