Pioneers & Chariots

It was a jam-packed day at Deerhorn today! The Pioneers were up early this morning to leave for their 8 day backpacking expedition to Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. They were SO excited to go! They even had a fan club show up to see them off!

Everyone else got to sleep in an hour this morning because today was the Special Day for B session. Breakfast was scrambled eggs and tater tots, and then kids had some optional activities for free time this morning, like lawn soccer, ultimate frisbee, and a movie in the basement of the hall. Braden Smyth gave a great Words of Wisdom at noon about taking care of yourself, and then we had hot dogs, brats, and mac & cheese for lunch.

After rest hour, it was time for the big Sunday event! Today’s event was Chariots of Fire. Teams “challenge the gods” all over camp to win pieces of their chariots. They bring the pieces of the chariot to the soccer field and when all pieces are there, the Leader assembles the chariot and gets pulled across the soccer field in the chariot.  Bears took first place, followed by the Eagles, Wolves, and Bobcats. It is a really fun afternoon of team competition.




Dinner tonight was chicken tetrazzini, rolls, and strawberry poke cake for dessert. After dinner was koogee time and then we will end today with a Deerhorn campfire. It was a beautiful, sunny Deerhorn day filled with lots of friendship and fun!


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