Sundays Are Fun Days

Sundays are a little different at Camp Deerhorn! We get to sleep in an extra hour and have breakfast at 9. That announcement the night before always elicits a dining room full of cheers! We had french toast and sausage for breakfast, and after breakfast kids enjoyed some rare free time around camp. Some hung out in their kooges, others played tennis or went fishing. Counselors organized games of basketball and ultimate frisbee as well. We had grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch, and then after rest hour it was time for the big Sunday event, the Treasure Hunt!

It was the first Sunday event of the summer and our teams were psyched to cheer on their teammates as they ran all over camp gathering items on their treasure hunt list. The event ended with each Leader heading off into the woods to find their buried treasure box. The Bears came out victorious, followed closely by the Wolves, Eagles, and Bobcats. It was a great afternoon of team comp!

We had chicken alfredo and garlic bread for dinner, and then koogees gathered together for an hour of koogee time before our first and only A session campfire at 8. There were lots of photos taken of today’s event, but the upload will take awhile, especially since the event didn’t finish until 4:30. The weather was cloudy but warm for our first Sunday Fun Day of the summer!

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