2023 Chariots

Well, it was worth the wait! After two cloudy, rainy days, we were so glad we delayed the Chariots of Fire to today. It’s been warm and sunny all day, perfect weather for one of our favorite special events. This morning was regular activities as usual, and then after lunch, teams gathered during rest hour to prepare.

The Chariots of Fire start on the soccer field, and each team is subdivided into smaller groups. Each group has two separate tasks, where they have to go “challenge the gods” in different activities, like swimming, sailing, sproutball, and archery,  to earn pieces of their chariots. They run all over camp, challenging the gods and gathering the pieces on the soccer field.

Once all the pieces are gathered, the Leaders of each team can then build their chariots. Once the chariot is built, the Leaders are pulled across the soccer field by their team. It was an exciting afternoon of team competition, and the Bears came in first overall. The Eagles came in second, followed by the Bobcats in third, and the Wolves in fourth. Everyone worked so hard to help their team across the finish line! There were lots of photos taken of today’s event, but it will take awhile to get them all uploaded!

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