Here Comes the Sun!

The morning dawned cloudy and grey and rain threatened to fall…but it didn’t and by the afternoon the sun had emerged making for a great afternoon on the waterfront.


We had eggs and toast for breakfast, fish sandwiches for lunch, and a crowd favorite, Thanksgiving, for dinner, complete with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie for dessert. Many of us agreed it’s our favorite camp dinner.


Sports and Games played Klepton today on the soccer field, which is also a crowd favorite. Two teams on opposite ends of the field trying to steal the other team’s ion (cone) without theirs being stolen first, so that the ions can unite. Most mornings when Sports & Games announces what they’re playing at breakfast, kids clap their hands over their heads in the hope that they will announce Klepton. And today was finally that day!


We have six camp dogs at Deerhorn, and they are many kids’ favorite part about camp. You’ll usually find them on the waterfront chasing balls, kids, or each other. Katniss is one of ours and most kids didn’t know she existed last summer because she hid under the lodge all day every day. Anyone who does know Katniss, knows that pictures like the one above are rare, though slowly becoming more common. I have written about Katniss several times in this blog over the past year, because hers is a story of growth and a testament to the power of camp.  Watching the kindness of your boys and how gentle they are with her still brings me great joy. Slowly but surely, she is learning to trust.


Half of the Voyagers took to the lake all afternoon to learn kayak basic safety.  They had a great time and were excited to finally be out in their boats.



After dinner, it was announced that campers would be playing Scalp for the evening activity…and the dining room went wild! It’s a pretty banner day at Deerhorn when you get to play Klepton in Sports & Games, have Thanksgiving for dinner, spend the afternoon kayaking the lake, AND play Scalp after dinner!


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