Our Voyagers were up bright and early this morning, ready to board the bus at 7am to depart. A light rain couldn’t dampen their excitement to leave for their trip. They are headed for the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore to spend 8 days sea kayaking in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. They were so happy to finally be on their way, and there was a huge fan club of teenagers ready to wish them bon voyage! So cool to see their peers there this morning to support them!
While rain isn’t ideal at camp, sometimes it provides a welcome break to the heat and “go, go, go” that every typical day at camp is. Riflery and crafts continued, while other activities took to the lodge and Deerhorn Hall to play games indoors. Breakfast was waffles and sausage, and lunch was chicken tacos. It might be raining outside, but the fun doesn’t stop at Deerhorn!