Today hasn’t been the best, weather-wise, but it hasn’t stopped the fun! We woke to overcast skies and an ugly forecast, but luckily there have been plenty of periods of respite in the midst of the rain. Our rainy day plan has two contingencies, one for just light rain and the other for storms. Today was just some good old-fashioned downpours, so many activities could continue in between. The rain largely held off for the morning hours, so kids got in some tennis, horseback riding, sports and games, etc.
Riflery is sheltered, so that can continue in most bad weather. Water activities took to the lodge, rec hall, and Che’s Lounge screened porch for board game fun. We also Covid tested everyone in camp this morning, so that took some organization!
There definitely were some downpours this afternoon, but they didn’t last long so kids were able to get back out into most activities. Breakfast this morning was french toast and bacon, lunch was chili and cornbread, and dinner promises to be a yummy parmesan chicken pasta!