Brothers and Buddies

We love taking Deerhorn brother pictures. It’s always fun to see who shows up with their friends and wants to have their photo taken together! All of our brother pictures are posted both on SmugMug and our Facebook page. We apologize if you have brothers at camp and they aren’t in the photos. We make the announcement and take photos of who shows up. When we made the announcement at breakfast this morning, to meet with your brother outside the lodge, one camper yelled out “Do we have to?” 🙂 We said no, but your parents REALLY like the brother pictures.

The sun is shining again today, with another great breeze blowing off the lake. Breakfast was biscuits and gravy, and lunch was french bread pizzas and caesar salad. Sports and Games is playing Balco Ball on DK Field, and kids are having a blast in activities!

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