Pugawaggan 2023

Sundays are a little different at Camp Deerhorn, and we all welcome the change in routine. We sleep in an extra hour and have breakfast at 9am. This morning’s breakfast was french toast and sausage. Sunday mornings, kids enjoy some rare free time around camp. There are usually games of ultimate frisbee and basketball that happen, and this morning the Leaders all met with their teams to prepare for the big Sunday afternoon event.

At noon, Michael Thistlethwaite gave a great Words of Wisdom about the Deerhorn Creed and what it has meant in his life. Lunch at 1:00 was cajun chicken sandwiches and fries. Rest hour was more prep for the Sunday event, and then at 3:00 it was time for the big show! Today’s big event is called Pugawaggan, and each team competes in various events around camp, gathering members from their team after completing each event. The event concludes at the campfire ring with the Leader paddling a half canoe and lighting the victory fire. Today’s victor was the Bears, followed by the Eagles, Wolves, and Bobcats.

Dinner tonight was pork roast and roasted potatoes. After dinner, kids gathered with their koogee for an hour of koogee time, followed by our first C session campfire. As you can see from the pics, it was another great afternoon of team competition at Deerhorn! Lots of pictures taken today, but since our event didn’t end until just before dinner, it’s going to take awhile to get them all uploaded. Thanks for your patience!

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