Chilly & Silly

After weeks of sunshine and warmth, these past few days have not exactly been what we would have hoped for to start the A session. Today it has been in the 50s and raining on and off throughout the day. However, while many of us are wrapped in fleece and sweatpants, there are some hardy kids who were determined to take their swim tests today, and even to waterski! Kids can’t do any of the water activities until they have passed their swim test, so it was totally up to them if they wanted to brave it! Luckily, today should be the last chilly day for awhile, since tomorrow it’s supposed to be 80 and sunny. We’ll take care of the rest of the swim tests tomorrow!

Each activity went through their orientation each period, including rules and safety guidelines. Every activity has a rainy day plan, depending on whether it is just lightly raining (like today) or if it is thunderstorms. Most activities could continue on as usual, since the rain was intermittent, but some activities took to the lodge to play board game, or did alternate activities like volleyball instead of swimming. Regardless of the weather, there are lots of smiles and laughs around camp today, as kids were so psyched to get the action going!

Each camper is put in an activity group with kids their own age, and they have a set activity schedule on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, and a different set of activities on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. The only activity they have every day is Sports and Games, because we put two groups together to do group sports and crazy games the counselors have made up over the years. Today, Sports and Games played World Cup Soccer on the soccer field.

Breakfast this morning was scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns, and lunch was cheeseburgers, corn on the cob, and chips. After lunch there was an all-camp meeting in the lodge to go over camp rules, but these kids are such good listeners that the meeting didn’t last very long and kids still had a rest hour. After rest hour was another three activity periods. It may be chilly, but that doesn’t stop the fun and friendships!


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