Finally Warm!

After a little bit cooler start to the summer, today it finally warmed up! All of our kids took their swim tests today, so they were very grateful for sunshine and temps in the high 80s! The first two days of activities consist of going over rules and safety in each activity, while also getting kids into the action as quickly as possible each activity period.


Kids have six activities Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the other six activities on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The only activity they have each day is Sports and Games, because we combine two activity groups together so they can play team sports and fun games. Today Sports and Games played World Cup Soccer.

Breakfast this morning was pancakes, sausage, and hash browns, lunch was pulled pork sandwiches and french fries, and dinner was stir fry. There was a huge line at the store today, lots of kids ready to stock up on Deerhorn swag…even kids who have already been here for four days for Father Son camp!


Everyone is settling in well and having lots of fun in activities. This is a great group of kids, with lots of smiles, and lots of running from activity to activity, because they just can’t get there fast enough!

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