I am running out of adjectives here…brilliant…idyllic…beautiful…incredible. This weather has been amazing, with yet another day of blue skies and sunshine. Today was our guided fishing day and although there weren’t a lot of fish caught, we did have two muskies landed. Jack Tully caught a 32 inch musky and John Mock caught a 38 inch musky. Way to go, boys!
Everyone who went out with our guides agreed that they had a super time out on the lake. There were stories of larger fish following the boat, but you know how it goes with fish stories! 😉
We had eggs and toast for breakfast, chicken patties for lunch, and our closing dinner was chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, and caesar salad, followed by dirt cups for dessert! This afternoon, Sports & Games played a full 9 innings of baseball on DK Field with lots of dads and sons showing up to play. Everyone had a great time!
After dinner, it was staff vs dads vs kids Scalp on the soccer field. Kids dominated as usual if only because of sheer number and their extraordinary sniping abilities! We all enjoyed winding down at the last campfire of this session. It’s hard to believe this one is over already! Time flies when you’re having fun!