
We had 33 C10 kids leave this morning, so camp was a LOT quieter this afternoon! It was pretty great to hear those kids tell their parents that 10 days was just not long enough, and they wanted to come back for longer next summer. Some kids who had some tears at the beginning, because they were homesick, had tears today because they didn’t want to leave camp! Parents arrived throughout the morning and it was so fun to watch them walk around with their campers, hearing all the stories and learning all about camp from the best tour guides they could ask for!

We are so glad that our C10 kids loved camp and we’re sure the car ride home was full of many good stories!  Today was also a busy day because it is the final packing day for our Voyagers, who leave bright and early at 7am tomorrow morning for Voyageurs National Park. Their bags are packed, the kayaks are loaded, and they are ready to FINALLY hit the road tomorrow!

It was waffles and sausage for breakfast and chicken tenders and mac & cheese for lunch, and Sports and Games played World Cup Soccer on the soccer field. For those of you whose kids went on Lake Superior last week, I finally got some photos from the staff who went. They are posted on our Facebook page, and will be uploaded tonight to SmugMug. And, as always, all over camp, the smiles and silliness abound!

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