Lots More Sun & Koogee Fun

Hooray for sunshine and warmer temperatures! While the morning dawned chilly, it didn’t take long to warm up to almost 80. Sports and Games played Balco Ball today, which is a Deerhorn made up game involving wiffle ball in the outfield of the baseball field. Our counselors have made up so many games over the years, I couldn’t even begin to tell you how to play each of them. I’m sure your camper can come home and explain them all! Breakfast this morning was waffles, scrambled eggs, and sausage. Lunch was delicious pepperoni pizzas and caesar salad, and dinner was barbecue chicken, mashed potatoes, and for dessert some homemade puff pastry apple pies. They were a big hit! We also managed to get koogee pictures today at rest hour. That always takes some patience and wrangling, as we make sure everyone in each koogee is present! As you can see on our SmugMug site, kids love doing silly pics too! You can also see how many kids have been shopping at the Deerhorn Store!

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