For any of our Spike Buck parents who are worried that their sons are homesick, please know that homesickness has not been a major issue with these kids. We had a couple who struggled the first night, but on day four, those days are in the past. A lot of them were there to greet me again this morning and watch while I filled the drink machine, and then they were off to find more dogs again. We have trading cards in the store with each dog’s picture on the front and info on the back. There were quite a few of them who got the dog cards yesterday and then set out on a hunt to find each of the dogs on the cards! Dogs are one of Deerhorn’s best selling points. 😉
The sun shone for most of the morning, but it got cloudy around lunch time and we had some brief showers this afternoon. Breakfast was bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches, and lunch was everyone’s favorite grilled cheese and tomato soup. Sports and Games is playing Quidditch on the soccer field today, which doesn’t involve flying brooms, but is just as much fun as the real thing! You’ll have to ask your camper when he gets home how he played Quidditch at camp! It’s hard to believe we only have one more week of C session, and we’re pretty much already halfway through the one week session. We aren’t really sure where time goes! Also, check out those slide faces in the last two pictures. Slide pics are some of our favorites, as the facial expressions are hilarious! With six different activities a day, and an evening team competition activity each night, these kids are living large and loving life!