More Fun, More Sunshine

It was another beautiful day at Camp Deerhorn! We had scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast, chili for lunch, and tortellini for dinner. Sports and Games played Balcoball on the baseball field, which is basically a whiffle ball baseball game in the outfield. Tonight was big excitement in the dining room because after dinner it was all camp Scalp! Four teams, two flags per player, one pulled and you’re out, last man standing wins for his team. It’s hands down the favorite game at Deerhorn. Younger guys played on the baseball field, older guys on the soccer field.

Last night started the Zombie Apocalypse game, with our 15 year olds. They all have white t-shirts and the game starts with one “patient zero” who has red paint. He then “infects” others by getting them with red paint. Anyone “infected” is a zombie in the next day’s game until all are “infected” except one…the winner. They get pretty creative with hiding places, and it’s only played at specific times during the day.

Swimming got creative by taking the popular Spikeball game from the beach into the water, with floating Spikeball. Deerhorn hockey started today and hopefully we’ll get some pictures of that posted soon as well.  With another day of sunshine and a busy day in activities, sometimes it’s more fun just to share a few more pictures from the day, to share our fun with you!

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