The 2023 C Session Draft

It’s an exciting day at Camp Deerhorn! The Leaders drafted their teams late last night and so we ended third period of the morning early to announce teams and pass out shirts. Kids went running to the lodge, excited to find out what team they were on. But then again, these kids run everywhere. 😉 It’s the best part of the beginning of a session. The running. First call goes for breakfast? Running to breakfast. Bell rings at the end of the activity period? Running to the next activity. Lunch gets dismissed? Running to the drink machine to use your token.

Breakfast this morning was homemade cinnamon rolls, which were a big hit, and lunch was buffalo chicken wraps and sweet potato fries. All of the kids who just arrived for C session had a quick meeting in the lodge after lunch to go over some camp rules so everyone stays safe. Today’s announcement of teams means that tonight after dinner will be the first C Session Braveheart. The younger kids play on DK Field and the older kids play on the soccer field. Each player has two flags and you’re trying to pull others’ flags before one of your own gets pulled and you’re out. It’s hands down the favorite game in camp.


Otherwise, it’s business as usual around here, as kids do orientations for their first day of activities. They have a schedule of 6 activities on MWF, and 6 other activities on TThSat. The only activity they have every day is Sports and Games, where we combine two activity groups so they can play team sports and crazy games made up by our counselors over the years. Today, Sports and Games is playing World Cup Soccer on the soccer field. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and we are (literally) off and running! Don’t forget that all of our photos can be found on our SmugMug site!

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