The 2023 Deerhorn Olympics

Hooray for Sundays at Deerhorn! We sleep in, enjoy some free time in the morning, and we always look forward to the big team event in the afternoon! Today’s Sunday event was the Deerhorn Olympics, where all four teams competed with their teammates in traditional Olympic events, like track & field, basketball, soccer, and volleyball, but also some non-traditional events, like gaga ball and balco ball!  After the Olympic procession through koogee row, and the lighting of the Olympic fire, the Leaders started the Olympics by gunneling a canoe into the beach, which is way harder than it looks! And the final event of the afternoon was the Leader Iron Man. Our 4 Leaders are going to sleep well tonight! In between those two events was an exciting afternoon of so many different sporting events! Kids were fired up for the Olympics today after watching our staff soccer game last night after dinner. They had so much fun cheering on their favorite team. We’ll wind down our exciting  Sunday with some koogee time after dinner, and a Sunday night campfire. There were lots of photos taken of today’s Olympics, but it’s just going to take awhile to upload them all. As always, thanks for your patience with our Northwoods internet!

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