It’s always an exciting day at camp when the teams are announced, and the line out the store today to buy team colors said it all! The leaders drafted last night in secret and the teams were announced today just before lunch.
Breakfast this morning was scrambled eggs and toast, and then kids headed off for another day of activities. We have one schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and another schedule for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, so kids had six different activities and their orientations today.
The only exception is Sports and Games, which kids have every day because we combine two activity groups together each period to be able to play team sports. Today they played baseball to celebrate America’s past time since the U.S. is leading the medal count in the Olympics!
Lunch was chicken patties, which is always a crowd favorite. After another sunny, warm afternoon of activities, kids were excited to play Scalp after dinner…four teams, each person with two flags, one flag pulled and you’re out…last team in wins. It’s everybody’s favorite game at Deerhorn!