The Last Full Day

We blinked, and suddenly B session is almost over! Where does two weeks go? We are glad that today is sunny and warm after yesterday’s rain. The morning was spent in regular activities, as kids worked to earn those final stars. The points they earn from stars help their team, but they also earn patches for themselves. Red stars are 25 points, blue stars are 50 points, and gold are 100. If you earn 200 points you get a Trailblazer patch, 600 is Brave, 1000 is Tribesman, 1350 is Warrior, 1800 is Super Warrior, and if you earn every star in camp you earn Perfect Warrior!


After lunch, we did a walk through of all of the no name lost and found. (There was a lot!) We are so grateful to all of you who clearly mark your child’s name on their clothing. It makes our job easier and it ensures we get clothing home to you when we find it later at camp! Rest hour was spent packing up and cleaning koogees, and then we moved trunks this afternoon, depending on if kids are going home by bus, air, or car.

The afternoon was full of three periods of team competition, including sports like soccer, kickball, and ultimate frisbee, as well as games like dodgeball and koogee ball. The third period is always Braveheart, everyone’s fav! After dinner tonight, we will have a counselor show followed by the fireworks that we couldn’t have last night because of the rain. We will send B session off with a bang!

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