Time Flies

Here it is, the last full day of activities for B session. It’s so hard to believe that this session is almost over!  The weather has not been super cooperative today, as we had a few rain showers come through and the high didn’t pass 57 degrees. But the sun peeked through several times and the colder temperatures were not enough to deter kids from wanting to go to the RAVE one more time!


Pioneers arrived home safe and sound this afternoon with talk of how “incredible” the trip was, and how it was even better than they expected. They had fantastic weather for hiking, very little rain, and it was a very cohesive group for the whole trip. They learned many new skills, bonded as a group, and had tons of fun! We are sure glad to have them back at camp!

Breakfast this morning was omelets and toast, and lunch was arguably the camp favorite, pizza bagels. It’s amazing how quiet the dining room gets when everyone is chowing on pizza bagels.

Sports & Games played Quidditch today. No flying brooms, but kids always love it. One of the staff members dresses in yellow and runs around camp as the “Golden Snitch”, while kids try to catch him. There are hula hoops and tennis racquets and dodgeballs and lots of laughter!

We got some great koogee pictures today at rest hour…we hope to get the rest tomorrow. It’s amazing how difficult it can be to get all the boys in a koogee together, between tennis matches, showers, and trips to the Gatorade machine! You can check out koogee pictures soon on our Shutterfly site. (Internet is being slow once again!)

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