We might not have had the best weather for our first Sunday at Deerhorn, but we definitely had the best fun! We slept in an hour and had breakfast sandwiches at 9. Kids got to have some rare free time this morning where they hung out with their koogee mates, played ping pong, ultimate frisbee, or street hockey.
Blaine gave a great Words of Wisdom at 11:30, and we had ham dinner for lunch at 1. We even managed to get the last of the koogee pictures taken this morning! You can check them out on Facebook or our Shutterfly site.
And though the rain threatened all day, and it did do some drizzling this afternoon, there were no thunderstorms and the show must go on! So today’s Sunday event was based out of the lodge instead of the beach, and kids ran all over camp collecting things for their teams.
Today’s Sunday event was the Treasure Hunt, but I love the double meaning of the word “treasure” for this blog and the day at camp. Because while the leaders had to hunt for their treasure box, you don’t have to look far to find treasure at Camp Deerhorn.
You can find it in older, veteran campers showing the new kids the ropes around camp. You can find it in friends helping each other carry their laundry bags down to the lodge. You can find it in the evening light that shines through the clouds on the walk to the campfire ring (check out our Instagram photos!). You can find it in the creativity and enthusiasm of Jesse Webb as he leads his koogee in an original song. And you can find it in the courage and incredible voice of kids like Reid Staubitz, who wowed us all when he sang Wagon Wheel at the campfire tonight, accompanied by Alex Polovin rocking out on the guitar. (Check out both videos on Instagram, and the full videos on our Facebook page!)
Treasure doesn’t just come in a box. It’s everywhere you look at Camp Deerhorn, and we are all lucky to be a part of it!