Wacky Weather

It was really warm and muggy when we woke up this morning, and we made it through one period of activities before the skies got dark and the storms rolled through. Luckily the storms weren’t severe and they were done in a couple of hours. Kids played games in the lodge and Deerhorn Hall while they waited out the storm. Even sang some karaoke in the lodge! The afternoon had a few rain showers off and on, but most activities could go on as usual. It has been really wacky weather around here! If you don’t like it, just wait a few minutes and it will change!


Sports and Games played Ultimate Frisbee on the soccer field when the weather allowed, and kids loved shooting rifles and getting crafty even when the rain continued. Breakfast was biscuits and gravy, lunch was pulled pork and tater tots, and dinner was tacos.




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