A Good Start

While our temperatures today may not be ideal for swim tests, we haven’t had any rain today, which is awesome. We tried to get kids outside last night after dinner, but just as we got them outside it started pouring again. So we had a great campfire in in the lodge with our amazing entertainers.

We had muffins for breakfast this morning, then kids headed back to their cabins to clean up. When the bell rang, they all met in the lodge to find out what groups they were in, and then the fun could really begin!

Campers have six activities Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and the other six activities Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The only activity they have every day is Sports and Games, where two groups come together to play fun games and team sports. Today Sports and Games is playing World Cup Soccer on the soccer field. Kids have three activities in the morning and three more in the afternoon. The first two days of activities are spent going over rules and safety for the beginning of the period, and then quickly getting into the action!

After nachos for lunch, campers who just arrived for this session had a meeting in the lodge to go over camp rules and expectations during rest hour.  Dinner tonight will be chicken tenders. We are grateful that it isn’t raining today, and the temperatures are warming up enough that hopefully we can finish swim tests this afternoon. We posted more pictures on our Shutterfly site and more will be posted tomorrow! Kids are having a great time at camp and everyone is settling in well!


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