Spike Bucks

Since our Voyagers are gone for 8 days, today we welcomed 11 E session campers.  We call them Spike Bucks, and they are 7-10 years old and are coming to camp for the first time.  We love E session campers because of the energy and enthusiasm they bring to camp.  They are excited about EVERYTHING, and the smiles on their faces are contagious.  They jumped right into activities this afternoon, and were really excited to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow.


Meanwhile, everyone else around here is having a great time too.  Sports & Games played a game today called Gasebolf, (now why did spellcheck just flag that?). It was invented by a counselor years ago and kids love it. It’s played like baseball but it involves teeing off at home plate at the baseball field, hitting a tennis ball with a golf club.  You then have to run the bases in the opposite direction. We play lots of traditional sports around here, but kids seem to love the change of pace of the games even more.


Breakfast was muffins, lunch was sloppy joes, and dinner was chicken fajitas.  At dinner, we announced which teams the E session kids were on, amidst cheers in the dining room.  Then after dinner, kids competed in team competitions including Nuk ’em and Indian Ball. (dodgeball).  Another cool thing happening around camp is the chess tournament.  It started last summer, spearheaded by Charlie Stelnicki, and chess exploded in popularity.  We have lots of chess sets, and kids are always around camp playing chess, even if they aren’t in the tournament anymore.  So cool!


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