A Beautiful Day

While it was only 50 degrees this morning when we woke up, the day warmed up to the most perfect sunny and 70 degrees. It was one of those days when the sun just sparkled on the water. A beautiful Northwoods Wisconsin day!

Sports and Games played Balco Ball today, which is a baseball type game played in the outfield of DK Field, using a giant wiffle ball and bat. Yet another crazy game invented by counselors! Breakfast this morning was egg and cheese quesadillas, and lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup.

But the biggest excitement of the day came with the announcement at dinner that they would (finally) get to play Braveheart for the evening activity! They’ve been waiting for that announcement since Saturday! Four teams trying to pull each other’s flags before their own gets pulled. Last team standing wins. Twelve and under plays on the baseball field, and thirteen and up plays on the soccer field. Everybody’s favorite team comp!

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