Cheers and Chants

We had a GREAT time at the hockey game last night! The hockey rink makes more in concessions in one night hosting Camp Deerhorn than it does the entire rest of the year! But once kids had their snacks, they  headed back into the stands to cheer for their favorite counselor, hoping he would score a goal. Kids had a great time and made us proud with their behavior and manners at the rink. Our 15 year-olds led the crowd in cheers and chants throughout the game, and the leaders were the coaches for both teams.

Despite a brief storm last night, today dawned bright and beautiful. We had coffee cake for breakfast, sloppy joes for lunch, and chicken tenders for dinner. The waterfront activities are loving the warmth, and the breeze was just right for sailing. It was one of those perfect Deerhorn days that was warm enough to swim, but not hot enough to have to cancel horseback riding.

There were more cheers and chants in the dining room today when Sports and Games announced they were playing Star Wars. It’s a different version of dodgeball, with the same basic rules and two teams, but there are also “medics” who can save people and bring them back into the game, among other variations. Basically, any version of dodgeball is a hit at Camp Deerhorn!

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